Adult Enrichment

Forming disciples to know, love, and serve God.

Our Parish is committed to providing opportunities to grow in faith, strengthening our relationship with Christ. Through experience, reflection, prayer and study, St. Joseph Adult Enrichment encourages all adults on our shared journey of Faith. We believe that an adult Community whose Faith is formed and lively will more effectively pass that Faith on to the next generation. Nourished by Word, Sacrament, and Communal Life, we will witness and share the Gospel in our homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces.

Adult Enrichment opportunities include:

Small Groups
Scripture Study
Centering Prayer
Prayer Group
Advent Adult Enrichment:
Lent Adult Enrichment
Whole Community Advent Workshop
Whole Community Lenten Workshop

Contact the Parish Office: 651-388-1133 for more information about Adult Enrichment and current offerings.

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