Synod Priority Year 2 will be on The Mass

The focus this year for our parish is on the following:

- Radical Hospitality

This means increased opportunities for fellowship and hospitality before, during and after the Mass.

We plan to strengthen our greeter ministry before Mass and hospitality ministry after Mass.

We plan to initiate events that foster community and strengthen relationships in our parish so our Church feels more like a place where everyone feels welcome and at home.

- Beautifying our Sanctuary

We have moved the Tabernacle, which is the dwelling place of our Lord, to a central location within our Sanctuary.  With parishioner support, we have purchased a hanging Sanctuary lamp for the Tabernacle and we plan to purchase a Marian statue to match our St. Joseph statue that will sit on either side of the Tabernacle within the Sanctuary.  Using candles and flowers, we hope to increase an atmosphere of reverence within our most Holy place of worship.

- Teaching about the Mass

We plan to host a teaching Mass, along with adult enrichment series during Advent and Lent that will help us understand more about the Mass. These will be led by Fr. Brandon and Deacon Marty. We also plan to initiate "Catholicism 101" question and answer series to help answer any questions you may have regarding the Mass and the Catholic faith.

- It's all about the Eucharist

The Eucharist is what our faith depends on.  The Eucharist is the most Blessed Sacrament, the Real Presence of Christ in Body and Blood.  This year we plan to focus on the Eucharist and increase opportunities for the Sacraments, Eucharistic Adoration as well as reflections and teachings on the Eucharist through small groups.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

Catholicism 101 - Questions and Answers about the Catholic Faith

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