
Forming disciples to know, love, and serve God.

Online Giving Site

At St. Joseph, all are welcome to celebrate with us, whether you are a: visitor, long-time resident, or new to our Parish.

To join our Parish, please download the Registration Form, print, and return it to the Parish Office. You may also contact the Parish Office for the registration materials.

We look forward to meeting you and hope that you will become an active member of our Parish Community.

Your financial gift to St. Joseph supports our many Ministries, Programs, and Activities.

Online Giving: Credit Card / Debit Card
To give with a Credit Card or Debit Card, please visit our 
Online Giving site

Electronic Giving: Secure Bank Account Transfer
To enroll in Electronic Giving (a secure, electronic transfer from your Bank Account each month) 
or to update your current enrollment in Electronic Giving, contact the Parish Office: 651-388-1133.

Cash / Personal Check
To give with 
Cash or a Personal Check (made payable to "Church of St. Joseph"), please place your donation in the Collection Basket at Mass or drop off/mail to the Parish Office:

Church of St. Joseph
426 8th Street
Red Wing, MN 55066

Note: If your gift is for a special collection or specific purpose (other than regular Sunday Giving), please include a note with your donation or write in the "memo" of the Check.


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