Volunteer Opportunities

Forming disciples to know, love, and serve God.

This page is a work in progress...Stay tuned!

There are many ways to be involved at the Church of St. Joseph. Volunteer opportunities include:

Collection Counter: Collection counters work in groups of 2-3 people to count the weekly financial giving. Collection Counters require a background check and are scheduled approximately once every 1-2 months.

Funeral Ministry: Much help is needed as needed for funerals.  Ministries include Funeral Coordinator, Funeral Servers, Funeral Lectors, Funeral Musicians/Cantors and help with Funeral Luncheon or making bars for funerals. No regular commitment needed, but occasional help on an as needed basis.

Green Thumb Team: Volunteers help manage the outside grounds surrounding our church facility.  The Green Thumb Team meets once weekly on Friday mornings from 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM. Help is always appreciated, so all are welcome to come anytime!

Grief Ministry

Mission Sewing

Stephen Ministry

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